During 2025, we are doing a 52 week sermon and small group series based on the book Quest 52. Everyone is encouraged to sign up for a Quest Group to get the most out of this study.
From the Quest 52 website:
"Quest 52 highlights the key moments from Jesus’ life, revealing his identity, his expectations, his priorities, and his ultimate purpose. Each week features a hand-picked Gospel reading from the life of Jesus—plus an Old Testament passage foreshadowing his coming, a New Testament story revealing his impact, an invitation to discuss insights with fellow travelers, and practical ways to practice what you’ve learned.
The topics address relevant issues such as:
Does Jesus really care about your pain?
How can you know God’s call on your life?
What does Jesus say about social justice?
How can you hear God’s voice?
What are ways to survive these difficult days?
This quest will enhance your understanding of Jesus in ways that will forever change how you make choices, engage with others, interpret today’s big issues, and even view yourself!"
Get the book!
Studies show that Christians who engage with God and His Word four or more times a week have significantly different spiritual lives than those who do not.
Quest 52 challenges us to do just that through daily readings and discussion questions.
Books are available for purchase at The Hub for only $10. Pick up your copy today!
Get in a group!
New Encounter Groups are forming now! Sign up at The Hub!.
Groups begin with our Launch Night on January 8th.
Get the email!
Each week we will send out extra resources and encouragement to keep pursuing Jesus through 2025.
You can sign up to receive the emails below.